Saturday, 15 December 2018

Blogmas Days 14 & 15

Hello friends, I lost yesterday completely to a migraine. I was in my room in the dark all day I just could not stand to be around any form of light. This has meant that I have very little knitting to share with you but I do have some.

I have tried to keep up with the advent shawl, just a little more of yesterdays and today's to do and I am all caught up.

 The theme of the night sky continues.
The cutest wee buttons

 I said on Thursday that it was time to cast on a sock, I not only did one but two.

Now I have plenty to keep me entertained for a few days.

Time to pick up my needles, I leave you today with our boy, Frankie, looking as if butter wouldn't melt which is not always the case

Happy crafting


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