Tuesday, 23 February 2016

A Finish and Two Starts

Why is it that when I finish something I get an acute case of startitis? This happens all the time and it just adds to the amount of projects I have on the go at any one time.
It has happened again this week.
I finished the jumper I was knitting for my Mum,
then immediately started Flax. I have now gone even further and added French Cancan into my projects.
But back to Mum's jumper. The pattern I used was Firenze by Drops. I have knitted this pattern three times now and it makes for a lovely cosy, comfy jumper. Although it is essentially a male pattern it looks just as good on a female and I wear mine all the time. The jumper is knitted totally in the round from the bottom up with just 8 underarm stitches to sew up on each side, a total bonus to someone like me who detests seaming. Drops patterns are free but some folk are put off as they seem very hard to follow. I can assure you though that they are not so don't be daunted. Just having a good read through of them first and breaking them down into bite size pieces makes them much easier to understand.
I used the yarn stated in the pattern which is Drops Alpaca, I used red, and Drops Fabel, I used Sunset. The two yarns are held together throughout and with the alpaca they feel gorgeous while slipping through the fingers. Using them together makes for a very quick knit as they form somewhat of an Aran or Worsted weight.
Now all I have to do is take the jumper off Brenda and get it parcelled up to post to Mum.

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