Sunday, 14 March 2021

Relief, a Surprise and a Mystery

 Hello friends, I am delighted to report that with the removal of the offending upper tooth my mouth is now pain-free. What a relief! I have also had my first Covid vaccine and other than a little swelling and tenderness all went well.

My surprise came in the form of a little windfall. Last month I had an e-mail from the local carers centre inviting applications for a carer's break grant. This money was available to help give a boost to the health and wellbeing of unpaid carers. Although I have been registered with them for many years due to being the sole carer of my disabled husband I have never asked for any help and was of the belief that I would be turned down should I apply. I did, however, decide I had nothing to lose so gave it a go. I asked for much less than half of what may have been available to me and imagine my surprise and delight on Wednesday morning when I opened the e-mail to find my application had been successful. I had asked for and am spending the money on an instant sock yarn stash from the wonderful Ripples Crafts. 

And finally, the mystery. One of my favourite designers is Ambah O'Brien. Imagine my delight when she announced an MKAL starting on April 2nd. The Caladenia Shawl will be released in 5 weekly clues and people from around the world will be knitting it together. 

The aforementioned Ripples Crafts has put together a few colour sets for the project, which can be found under new products, although I think there might just be one or two left. I was lucky enough to snag this gorgeous BFL combo.

From left, Cladonia, The First Summer Rose, Crushed Blaeberries and The Weathered Fairy.

If you want to join in the MKAL, there is still time to get the pattern for a reduced price until Apr 1st and you will also receive a bonus pattern of the Caladenia Cowl free.


In the last two weeks I have finished 2 pairs of socks, first up is Hattu by Nicola Susen. These top-down socks have a very different construction from any I have knitted before and I can see why the description says they are ideal for those with a high instep. These socks are also great if you don't like picking up stitches as it doesn't happen, very unusual with top-down socks.

I knitted these for hubby who has very odd shaped feet due to bunions and he has declared them wonderfully comfy. 
My second finish is my 4th pair of Heel Toe Do-Si-Do socks by The Crazy Sock Lady. I simply adore the simplicity of this pattern and the results it gives.

That's all for this week, stay safe and enjoy your crafting


Sunday, 28 February 2021

Not Just Socks

 Hello friends, I have had a painful couple of weeks battling two dental abscesses, one in the lower jaw and one in the upper which is just not playing the game with the antibiotic and I think it will be another trip to the dentist tomorrow. Also this coming week, on Wednesday morning, I will be getting my first vaccine dose. Never before have I looked forward so much to a jab in my arm, it is one small step towards our new normality whatever that proves to be.

On the knitting front, this week I have stepped aside a little from the socks and finally opened up my 12 Days of Christmas box from Rosie's Moments.

I spent a considerable amount of time deciding what to knit but kept coming back to the Edie tee by Isabell Kraemer. The pattern, published in 2015, does not have a huge size choice but it is well written and I have cast on for the XL using Chiagoo 3.5mm circular needles. I am not very far into the project but already I can see it is going to be colourful, just what is needed this year.

I have the next mini wound and ready to add-in.


After speaking about my needles last time it struck me that I hadn't checked Etsy. A quick search and I discovered RachelGreenCrafts had some lovely options. After browsing for a while I spotted this

Knitting cats, well, what's not to love? Pennies duly paid this beauty arrived two days later and as you can see is already in use.

Also arriving this week was the second mystery sock box in Rosie's Moments around Britain series. This month took us to Cornwall and as usual, the box was packed with the most thoughtful goodies.

I really don't know how she does it.

A short post this time as I am struggling with the news of the sudden passing of a dear friend, hopefully, normal service will resume next time. Until then stay safe and healthy,


Sunday, 14 February 2021

Needle Talk

 Hello friends, this past couple of weeks I have spent some time evaluating my use of knitting needles. I learned to knit on straight needles which I found cumbersome and unwieldy, especially as I was under 10 and therefore quite small. I all but gave up in my early twenties and when the bug finally caught in my early forties I was astounded to discover the magic of circular needles for any project. They were simply perfection, small tips and a cable to take the weight of the work transformed me from a reluctant to a passionate knitter. I felt ready to tackle anything and I did, lace, garments, and finally my beloved socks. Over the years I have tried many brands and while they all have some virtues I have come to the conclusion that my favourites are ChiaGoo, whether fixed or interchangeable they have what I need in a needle. Points sharp enough for lace or picking up stitches, a cable that stays put and doesn't curl all over the place, always smooth joins allowing the stitches to glide and best of all for me, nickel free. Sadly I cannot afford to buy a set but I have a plan. I will ask for a fixed circular needle case for my birthday and I will buy the sizes as and when to build my set up.

Picture from The Little Knitting Company Website

And then last Sunday, this happened

Yep, the needle tip and cable parted company in a way that cannot be fixed. Now, this is the third time this has happened to me with this brand so I have rescinded my request to hubby for the above needle case and have asked instead for a set of HiyaHiya Steels in the small size with 5" tips.

A to Z of Socks

I am delighted to say that more folks have joined in with my mad idea. it would seem that others also want to expand their sock collections and with no deadlines or particular requirement to knit in alphabetical order, folks are attracted to the simplicity of the KAL.
That said, I have personally started in alphabetical order and have completed my A socks which I talked about in the last post.
Ash Socks

I have also completed my B pair.
Bark socks

The free pattern for Bark socks by Wei S. Leong caught my eye and the simplicity of the textured design was a joy to knit. I used an MCN sock yarn from a past mystery box from Rosie's Moments, the colour was Pig Robinson at Sea from the Beatrix Potter series. These lovely socks knit up very quickly and I was just about finished the second when the above needle mishap occurred. Luckily I had a spare needle and was able to rescue the stitches.

The Handmade Sock Society 4

Serendipity struck with the release of the first pattern in this collection in that the socks are called Curling Mist. I cast on the day the pattern was released and yesterday finished the first sock.

I am knitting these on a ChiaGoo 2.25mm 100cm needle using magic loop and I am doing the medium size with 64 sts. The yarn is EasyKnits Big Boy in the Fields of Gold colour which I was gifted some time ago. 

Other FO's

Nothing at all.


Well, as I mentioned above I asked my lovely hubby for the HiyaHiya steel needle set for my birthday which is not until June and he very kindly said why wait until June, get them now and so I did a little research and found them on the Fig Tree Yarns website. I ordered on Wednesday and on Friday morning the package arrived from Jersey.

It looks too beautiful to use. I also ordered a 2.5mm 80cm fixed circular to complete my most used sizes. 

Race to the Bottom

My figures as of Feb 1st

Total knitted - 2,380 yards
Current Level - Dust Bunny (1,000 - 4,999 yds)
Goal - Cashmere (30,000 yds)
% of goal reached - 7.93%
Yards to go - 27,620


As with my knitting monogamy is also not a strong point with books and I have a few on the go so I can listen to whatever takes my fancy.

In My Ears 

  1. Gargantua and Pantagruel (Librivox) Still on book 2 waiting for book 3 recording to be completed
  2. Love in the Time of Cholera (Audible)
  3. Don Quixote (Audible)
  4. The Complete Little Women (Audible) Now on Jo's Boys
  5. A Room With a View (Audible)

On My Kindle

The Inferno - Henri Barbusse

Finished in the last Fortnight

  • The Return of the King - JRR Tolkein, whilst I enjoyed the series I can honestly say I did not love it. Hence it took me 3 years. Fantasy is really not my preferred genre and I can take it or leave it.
  • Pere Goirot - Honore de Balzac, I did enjoy this sad tale from a Paris of long ago. I will admit to shedding a few tears along the way.
  • The Silent World of Nicholas Quinn - Colin Dexter, I have watched all the Morse episodes multiple times but the books bring so much more depth of character.
Well, I think that's it for this week, time for me to cast on my second sock since it is Sunday, a very Happy Valentine's Day to you all.
Stay safe and healthy


Sunday, 31 January 2021

Sock It To Me

 Hello friends, in the past couple of weeks when the knitting world has been taken by storm by Bernie Sanders' mittens. I have had socks on my mind. Ever since I discovered the beauty of magic loop and the magic of turning a heel I have been a sock knitting addict. I have, however, in the past few years become stuck in a bit of a rut knitting all my socks toe-up and mostly the same pattern over and over. This year I have decided that it is time to change things up and challenge myself somewhat. My second and third pairs of socks this year have been knitted top-down with heel-flap and gusset so I have made a start. I have revived an A-Z thread in our Ravelry group, and have been joined by five intrepid knitters, to knit 26 pairs of socks, a pattern from each letter of the alphabet. I have also purchased The Handmade Sock Society 4 by Curious Handmade. I have not, however, gone the whole hog and joined Sock Madness, nor shall I. I like to knit at my own pace rather than have a deadline or trying to be first.

There is still time to join in the Sock Society at the reduced price of £9.95 (UK) for all six patterns, one each month until July, before the first pattern is released on Thursday, Feb 4th. 

I have my yarn wound, Easyknits BigBoy in Fields of Gold from deep stash, and bought a new 2.25mm needle so I am all set to cast on the first sock on Thursday as soon as the first pattern comes out.

A-Z of Socks

My A socks are well underway. I chose the free Ash Socks pattern by Jenny Love. I have had the pattern in my queue for a long time and finally took the plunge to cast on.

I have the second sock well on the way now too. The yarn is 75% Wool 25% Polyamide by Regia and I am using 2.5mm Chiagoo circular needles for magic loop.


Just the one incoming since I last blogged and it is a beauty. The first mystery sock box from Rosie's Moments Around the UK in 12 boxes 2021.

Based on Somerset, her home county, the box is full of goodies representing the area. 
  • Postcard of her village
  • Apple soap
  • Swans travel mug
  • Sour apple candy
  • Glastonbury Tor pin badge
  • Apple blossom yarn
I am always blown away by the thought and beauty of these boxes and, yes, I have already bought the next one.


I was so excited last evening to find two Kindle collections of classics with a total of 100 books for just £1.50, 75p each, these will be my bedtime reading for many, many months.

In my ears as I knit I have these 4
  1. Gargantua and Pantagruel (Librivox) down to 1 chapter per day as the book is still being uploaded
  2. The Complete Little Women Series (Audible) On Little Men now
  3. The Return of the King (Audible) 1 chapter each evening as I fall asleep
  4. Don Quixote (Audible) 5 chapters per afternoon, I have to say I am loving this. 

I think that's it for now, my socks are calling, stay safe and healthy, see you in two weeks


Sunday, 17 January 2021

Focusing on Calm

 Hello friends, for the first time in my life I have chosen a word of the year for myself. My word is CALM, I want to try over the year to bring peacefulness and a sense of tranquillity to all aspects of my life. To aid me in this endeavour I have invested in a journal/planner.

I plan to put my dreams, plans and achievements down on paper to aid my journey to inner peace. In this vein, I am also attempting to find a balance with my knitting. As I have mentioned before I have a few projects on the go, and instead of pushing myself to complete something I am simply picking up whatever speaks to me on a given day. Yes, projects will take longer but I will be knitting with more joy and mindfulness whilst working on something which sparks my interest. 


Reading brings me much pleasure and I much prefer listening to a book whilst knitting than having the TV on. I have different books on the go at any one time for different times of the day. All my current listens are included in versions of 1001 Books to Read Before You Die.
Afternoon listens are

  1. Gargantua and Pantagruel (Librivox) - 5 chapters per day
  2. The Lusiads (Librivox) - 1 canto per day
  3. A Dance to the Music of Time: 4th Movement (Audible) - until I get distracted
  4. The Complete Little Women (Audible) - just a little and not every day

At bedtime to lull me to sleep I am listening to 30mins per night of The Return of the King, part 3 of The Lord of the Rings.

Knitting FO's

My first FO is a pair of socks for me.

I used the Heel, Toe Do-Si-Do pattern by the Crazy Sock Lady and some stash yarn from a previous Flower Power Fund month. The pattern is written for self-striping yarn but I think it works just as well with speckled or variegated yarn.


The WIP getting most attention over the past week is my Winter Lights shawl. This Stephen West pattern is proving somewhat addictive and I look forward to working on it each day. I am using my Rosie's Moments Advent yarn for this and therefore not following the colour sequence as the pattern directs.


Two new yarns landed this past fortnight. I was procrastinating by doing some window browsing in UK dyer's online shops when I stumbled across a yarn called Calico Cat by Mothy and the Squid. Since I am owned by such a kitty, our adorable if demanding Abby, it was just too tempting.

The yarn duly arrived with a cute little butterfly progress keeper and I am delighted with it.

The second yarn to arrive was some prize yarn I won in the Ambah Advent KAL. I was thrilled to be chosen as a winner and have to say even more delighted when the yarn arrived from the USA.

It is a 6 mini-skein set of DK in the most beautiful spring colours. I am not sure what it will become yet but I am toying with some ideas.

I think that is all for now, see you in a fortnight


Saturday, 2 January 2021

Happy New Year

 Hello friends, a very hearty welcome to 2021. Never I think have I been so glad to see the back of a year as I have 2020. Although we stayed away from the dreaded Covid, we suffered heartbreak 4 times last year with the passing of our twin cats, Frankie in April and Connie in July, my Aunt in June and Bill's oldest sister in October. It really tore us apart mentally with each passing. So the hope for the coming year is no more loss, more joy and with the vaccines on the horizon the ability to return to some sort of normality. 

For the blog, I am fervently hoping to post fortnightly. Weekly is a bit too much as I find I struggle to have something to say and frequently there is not much progress on projects to share so with that in mind I think fortnightly is the way to go. For anyone who wants more frequent news hop on over to The Sunday Sock Ravelry group where I check in a few times a week and you may see things there which I forget to post here.

To give my knitting year a kick-start I have joined a couple of KAL's and signed up for Race to the Bottom 4. The KAL's are both in the HawthornCottageCraftPodcast group and Race to the Bottom is in the Stash Knit Down group both on Ravelry. 

The first of the KAL's is Knit the Books. Kate has set the challenge to choose a pattern from one of those books we all have sitting on our shelves that we have looked at but never gotten round to making something from. I have had the Knit Swirl book for over 10 years so I have chosen that book.

The pattern I have chosen is Forest Fiesta.

Now, since I am on a budget, I have chosen to knit using yarn from deep stash and I made it my New Year cast on. I am using Sirdar Colourwheel, 80% Acrylic 20% Wool, in the Flower Garden colour. I did buy a new needle for this project and choose a ChiaGoo 4.5mm 120cm which I got from The Little Knitting Company. As of today, I have completed the very long cast on, joined in the round and the second welt. My goal is to knit one welt a day so as to give myself time to work on other things. If all goes to plan I will finish well before the March 31st KAL deadline.

KAL no.2 is a lucky dip. I have hidden 6, I didn't have 12 bags, skeins of sock yarn in paper bags and Bill will choose one each month for me to knit up. 

As I use each baggie I will refill it so my KAL lasts the whole year.

Race to the Bottom is an 18-month long personal challenge to knit the stash and try to hit a yarn themed goal. I have chosen to aim for Cashmere which is 30,000 yards. I was doing very well in the last race until I stopped counting when life got too much so this time I am more motivated to reach my goal. The group moderators have done a fantastic job setting up an easy to use Google spreadsheet to which you just add in your used yarn and it does all sorts of magic to show your progress and how far you still have to go. The chat in the thread is also so supportive and positive, and everyone is going at their own pace, that it never ever feels overwhelming.

Other WIP's

Other things on the needles and being worked in rotation are
  1. Socks
  2. Caramel Cardigan 
  3. A Hat
  4. Habitation throw
  5. Winter Lights Shawl
I will have photos of everything in my next post in 2 weeks and hopefully, some will even be FOs by then.

I think that's it for now, stay safe and healthy
