Monday, 12 December 2011

Diary of a Knitter - Day 5

Start Weight - 490
Weight Lost - 0
Weight Gained - 0
Balance - 0

It's Finished

Butterscotch Damask
I had a feeling of euphoria yesterday. I finally got round to taking something out of the finishing box of doom and I have a fully finished project to share.
I so loved knitting this shawl, the pattern is by one of my favourite designers, Kitman Figueroa, and the shawl is a bottom up construction. This means you cast on a large number of stitches and the shawl decreases in size the more you knit. Such fun to see the pattern emerge and feel each row getting quicker and quicker to knit.

Body stitch detail
The yarn I used for this was some yummy Malabrigo Silky DK. This was so soft on the hands and just a pleasure to work with.
Even though I am on a yarn diet I can definitely see more of this creeping into my stash in the future.
I must admit though that my least favourite part of knitting this shawl was the dreaded nupps. Trying to purl 7 stitches together tried both my patience and my fingers. I unfortunately found out too late about using a crochet hook to make life easier. Ah well, knitting is a learning curve, and when we stop learning we stop enjoying.

Border detail
I have actually cast on this shawl again, this time in a gorgeous semi-solid pink for my lovely friend Yvonne and this time I am using beads instead of the nupps. Yes another learning curve, as I have never used beads before, and I was astonished at just how small they are when they arrived the other day.
Never mind I have researched how to add them and have decided to go for the crochet hook method. I will let you know how I get on as I come to them.

Knitting to the Power of Four

Yesterday I noticed something. I had not really noticed it before, but I suppose I have been doing it subconsciously for sometime now. It would seem that I knit to the power of four. As you know I have a variety of projects on the needles at any one time, (usually too many) and I noticed that I knit four rows on a project then move on and repeat, rotating through each in turn. This may mean that projects take a while to finish, but it also ensures that I don't ever get bored. Am I a freak? Am I just odd? Who knows, but it works for me!

Stay safe and happy crafting. 

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