Sunday, 28 February 2021

Not Just Socks

 Hello friends, I have had a painful couple of weeks battling two dental abscesses, one in the lower jaw and one in the upper which is just not playing the game with the antibiotic and I think it will be another trip to the dentist tomorrow. Also this coming week, on Wednesday morning, I will be getting my first vaccine dose. Never before have I looked forward so much to a jab in my arm, it is one small step towards our new normality whatever that proves to be.

On the knitting front, this week I have stepped aside a little from the socks and finally opened up my 12 Days of Christmas box from Rosie's Moments.

I spent a considerable amount of time deciding what to knit but kept coming back to the Edie tee by Isabell Kraemer. The pattern, published in 2015, does not have a huge size choice but it is well written and I have cast on for the XL using Chiagoo 3.5mm circular needles. I am not very far into the project but already I can see it is going to be colourful, just what is needed this year.

I have the next mini wound and ready to add-in.


After speaking about my needles last time it struck me that I hadn't checked Etsy. A quick search and I discovered RachelGreenCrafts had some lovely options. After browsing for a while I spotted this

Knitting cats, well, what's not to love? Pennies duly paid this beauty arrived two days later and as you can see is already in use.

Also arriving this week was the second mystery sock box in Rosie's Moments around Britain series. This month took us to Cornwall and as usual, the box was packed with the most thoughtful goodies.

I really don't know how she does it.

A short post this time as I am struggling with the news of the sudden passing of a dear friend, hopefully, normal service will resume next time. Until then stay safe and healthy,


Sunday, 14 February 2021

Needle Talk

 Hello friends, this past couple of weeks I have spent some time evaluating my use of knitting needles. I learned to knit on straight needles which I found cumbersome and unwieldy, especially as I was under 10 and therefore quite small. I all but gave up in my early twenties and when the bug finally caught in my early forties I was astounded to discover the magic of circular needles for any project. They were simply perfection, small tips and a cable to take the weight of the work transformed me from a reluctant to a passionate knitter. I felt ready to tackle anything and I did, lace, garments, and finally my beloved socks. Over the years I have tried many brands and while they all have some virtues I have come to the conclusion that my favourites are ChiaGoo, whether fixed or interchangeable they have what I need in a needle. Points sharp enough for lace or picking up stitches, a cable that stays put and doesn't curl all over the place, always smooth joins allowing the stitches to glide and best of all for me, nickel free. Sadly I cannot afford to buy a set but I have a plan. I will ask for a fixed circular needle case for my birthday and I will buy the sizes as and when to build my set up.

Picture from The Little Knitting Company Website

And then last Sunday, this happened

Yep, the needle tip and cable parted company in a way that cannot be fixed. Now, this is the third time this has happened to me with this brand so I have rescinded my request to hubby for the above needle case and have asked instead for a set of HiyaHiya Steels in the small size with 5" tips.

A to Z of Socks

I am delighted to say that more folks have joined in with my mad idea. it would seem that others also want to expand their sock collections and with no deadlines or particular requirement to knit in alphabetical order, folks are attracted to the simplicity of the KAL.
That said, I have personally started in alphabetical order and have completed my A socks which I talked about in the last post.
Ash Socks

I have also completed my B pair.
Bark socks

The free pattern for Bark socks by Wei S. Leong caught my eye and the simplicity of the textured design was a joy to knit. I used an MCN sock yarn from a past mystery box from Rosie's Moments, the colour was Pig Robinson at Sea from the Beatrix Potter series. These lovely socks knit up very quickly and I was just about finished the second when the above needle mishap occurred. Luckily I had a spare needle and was able to rescue the stitches.

The Handmade Sock Society 4

Serendipity struck with the release of the first pattern in this collection in that the socks are called Curling Mist. I cast on the day the pattern was released and yesterday finished the first sock.

I am knitting these on a ChiaGoo 2.25mm 100cm needle using magic loop and I am doing the medium size with 64 sts. The yarn is EasyKnits Big Boy in the Fields of Gold colour which I was gifted some time ago. 

Other FO's

Nothing at all.


Well, as I mentioned above I asked my lovely hubby for the HiyaHiya steel needle set for my birthday which is not until June and he very kindly said why wait until June, get them now and so I did a little research and found them on the Fig Tree Yarns website. I ordered on Wednesday and on Friday morning the package arrived from Jersey.

It looks too beautiful to use. I also ordered a 2.5mm 80cm fixed circular to complete my most used sizes. 

Race to the Bottom

My figures as of Feb 1st

Total knitted - 2,380 yards
Current Level - Dust Bunny (1,000 - 4,999 yds)
Goal - Cashmere (30,000 yds)
% of goal reached - 7.93%
Yards to go - 27,620


As with my knitting monogamy is also not a strong point with books and I have a few on the go so I can listen to whatever takes my fancy.

In My Ears 

  1. Gargantua and Pantagruel (Librivox) Still on book 2 waiting for book 3 recording to be completed
  2. Love in the Time of Cholera (Audible)
  3. Don Quixote (Audible)
  4. The Complete Little Women (Audible) Now on Jo's Boys
  5. A Room With a View (Audible)

On My Kindle

The Inferno - Henri Barbusse

Finished in the last Fortnight

  • The Return of the King - JRR Tolkein, whilst I enjoyed the series I can honestly say I did not love it. Hence it took me 3 years. Fantasy is really not my preferred genre and I can take it or leave it.
  • Pere Goirot - Honore de Balzac, I did enjoy this sad tale from a Paris of long ago. I will admit to shedding a few tears along the way.
  • The Silent World of Nicholas Quinn - Colin Dexter, I have watched all the Morse episodes multiple times but the books bring so much more depth of character.
Well, I think that's it for this week, time for me to cast on my second sock since it is Sunday, a very Happy Valentine's Day to you all.
Stay safe and healthy
