Sunday, 18 August 2019

Sunday 18th August

Hello friends, many, many apologies for my absence in the last few weeks. We have had a very trying time as we sadly lost our beautiful dog Skye fairly suddenly on May 25th. She was diagnosed with a tumour on her spleen which was successfully removed but sadly succumbed to a heart attack two days later. It was so unexpected that it took the wind right out of our sails and I found it impossible to write anything until now.
I have also begun a new chapter in my working life becoming a volunteer in the PDSA shop in nearby Musselburgh. This was prompted by the wonderful care that the PDSA vets have given to not only our pets but also us when they sadly passed over the rainbow bridge. I am truly finding great reward in doing my two stints a week, knowing that my effort goes to help pets in need.

Knitting has happened, however, and a number of projects have been completed. You can find my finished projects on my Ravelry project page.

The Sunday Sock this week is my own simple 4-row pattern, knitted top-down using magic-loop and incorporating the Fish Lips Kiss heel by Sox Therapist. This short-row heel gives great results with no wraps or gaps and once you grasp the idea is so easy.

I used Drops Fabel sock yarn in the colour 916 and I am very pleased with the resulting sock. I am sure you will see many more of this design in future.

Our dearly departed Skye and Gibbs
This beautiful painting of our much-loved dogs was done by disabled artist Darren Ainsworth, you can check out his work on his Facebook page, Art by Darren.

That's it for this week. I promise I will try to get back to regular posts.

Happy crafting


I will try to remember when I want to cast on "all the things" that I have only one pair of hands and therefore can only knit one thing at a time!

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