Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Knitting, A Trip Round Scotland's Islands

I keep track of all my knitting projects in the wonderful tool called Ravelry . The projects section ask you to name your work which can sometimes task the brain. Some people come up with all sorts of fantastic names for their projects whilst others just use the pattern name.
Recently I have been giving some thought to how I should name my projects, in the past I have used the stories of Sherlock Holmes, and looking out my kitchen window I stumbled on the perfect answer.
On a clear day I can see right across the majestic Firth of Forth to the shores of the Kingdom of Fife. However clearly in my sights is the Island of Inchkeith. Hmm, there are roughly 700 islands in the waters off the coast of Scotland. BINGO!! There was my answer staring my straight in the eyes. I will name each of my projects after a Scottish Island.
As an added bonus t anyone who happens to take the time to read my musings I will add the link, where available, to what Wikipedia has to say about the island. At last I have my project names all sorted.
I may from time to time waiver off on a tangent if another name is more appropriate but my intention is to stick for the most part with my plan.
I have already used two of the island names on completed projects so look out for those appearing soon.

Stay safe and happy crafting


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