Saturday, 22 November 2014

Socks TAAT - There is Another Way

Whilst I do credit myself with some intelligence I can also at times be astounded by how incredibly dim I can be sometimes. This came to light this week as I was reading a post by a friend on Ravelry.
I love to wear handknit socks as does hubby and I love knitting them but I find sometimes that second sock syndrome kicks in and things don't get finished as quickly as they might. I tried knitting TAAT toe up but I had to give up as my preference I have discovered is to knit top down. I also struggled with not having the usual space that I was used to on the cable, (I knit my socks using magic loop).
However as I previously said whilst reading a post on Ravelry this past week a lightbulb moment and a half struck my brain with all the force of the Blackpool Illuminations. Rona, my friend, said she knitted her socks TAAT using two separate needles!!!! She first knits the cuff of one then the other, then moves on to the legs each in turn and so on........ Why oh why had I never thought of doing that before? Dim as a dark night I am! It is so simple and I have plenty needles to make it happen. So before 2 minutes had passed off I was collecting yarn and needles, dividing said yarn into 2 balls and away I went. Progress is happening and I now have cuff and leg of one sock completed and cuff and partial leg of the other. I am over the moon at this and hopefully I shall have a completed pair of socks to share in the not to distant future instead of in a months time.

Stay safe and happy crafting


Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Balta - Island 7

Gosh, it has been ages since I posted anything about knitting. That has not been entirely my own fault though as life got in the way big time this summer when DH had to undergo emergency heart surgery. Of course this gave us a massive fright and everything else was forgotten about.
I am however pleased to report that knitting has been happening and some biggish projects have been completed or are in the works along with some smaller ones.
The first project to share with you all is my first Still Light Tunic . This has been an absolute pleasure to both knit and wear.

The pattern is very well written and easy to follow and best of all, knitted almost entirely in the round from the neck down with no seams. I chose not to do the 3/4 length sleeves as I much prefer short ones and as you can see I can wear a longer sleeved T-shirt underneath if needed There were some places where I read forward and thought what! but when I got there I just followed the instructions and it all worked out perfectly.
The yarn I used is Knit Picks Palette in shade Regal which I bought from . I found this yarn very nice to knit with and it is not scratchy when worn against the skin.
You may have noticed that I said my first and that is because I am already well underway with No2 and even have the yarn ready for No3. I may be mad but I just know that these have to be a wardrobe staple.
Some of you with keen eyes and memories may also have noticed that this was the yarn I was using to knit the mega shawl in the summer. Well that is the beauty of yarn, it just was not doing it for me so into the frog pond it went and now I have a wonderful wearable garment which I am loath to take off.

Stay safe and happy crafting


Island Link - Balta

Monday, 22 September 2014

A Brighter Future

Where do I begin?
Well let me start by saying I accept the will of 55% of the population that voted in the Scottish referendum that they did not wish to live in an independent country. Let me also state for the record that I am not anti-English, never have been never will be. I have family and friends in England and I love them all dearly.
However this past weekend I have been compelled to join a political party. For the first time ever in my life I feel that us ordinary souls need to stand up and be counted and can be. Our voices need to be heard. We need a new breed of political activists in this land, people who know the struggles of daily living. Real people from all walks of life who can work together towards a better future for all.
I like many others am sick of the lies, corruption and lining of their own pockets of the elite. I want the future of our land and the other lands in this United Kingdom to be in the hands of the people, the majority not the minority.
The lying has to STOP. The money grabbing has to STOP. The pandering to the media has to STOP. The media pandering to the elite has to STOP. The corruption has to STOP.
Politics has to change and the only way to change it is to take action ourselves. If we do not we risk our voices being drowned out once more by the elite.
So there it is. The reasons I am getting involved, I want a brighter future for all.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Change Will Come

As I sit here unable to sleep I am more than aware that dawn will shortly be breaking on the most momentous day in my life. Today 5+ million of us resident in Scotland have the opportunity to choose the destiny of the country we call home. The country I was born in, live in and work in will never be the same after this day. Whatever the result of the referendum things around here will and have changed.
Before the polling stations even open I have seen major changes in the people of my country. 90+% of the eligible electorate have registered to vote. This is unprecedented in a country in which apathy has been the winner at the polls in recent years. The population has been energised in a way that in my humble opinion has stunned the media and political commentators not to mention the politicians in their ivory towers. Suddenly we have declarations of love from the heart where before it felt like we barely had a nod in our direction.
Some of the propaganda being spouted has had me scratching my head and has left me wondering if some of the so called educated think that we are all unable to put our minds to making a decision. We may not all have gone to university but the last thing we are is stupid. If they think we cannot see beyond the bluff and bluster then they are the ones who need their brains examined.
I have read all the arguments, watched the debates and listened to what others have to say. But be in no doubt, I have made my own mind up. I will go to the polling booth today and put my cross in the box of my choosing confident in the knowledge I have made the right decision for me.
By this time tomorrow some of the first results may be showing and by 6am we should know the outcome. Whether it goes the way I will choose or not, we the people of Scotland will have spoken and then it will be up to the politicians to negotiate the future.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Fox and the Grapes - Days 5 - 12

Despite life and illness (Laryngitis which morphed into Tonsillitis) getting in the way much progress has been made. Charts 1 and 2 have been completed and chart 3 has only 5 rows to go. These 5 rows will complete the edging section and then I shall progress onto the fun lacy part.  Adding to the satisfaction of seeing the shawl grow I have now fully used up 2 of the 10 balls of yarn and each row is nearly 100 stitches less than it was at cast on. Knowing that every second row has less stitches as well as seeing even such a small gap in the bag of yarn makes me very happy.

  • Rows knitted - 29/251
  • Stitches so far - 22,268
  • Skeins used - 2
Stay safe and happy crafting


Saturday, 5 July 2014

Fox and the Grapes - Days 3 & 4

Still not much to see. The stitch markers are in place for the edging and some dropped stitches have been rescued. Work and life have slightly got in the way of progress but today I have the first day of the 2014 Tour de France to watch so plenty time for some relaxing knitting along with some exciting cycling and an armchair tour round the Yorkshire Dales, one of our favourite places. I am sure some happy memories will come flooding back.
Hopefully I will finish the first chart today.

  • Rows knitted 6/251
  • Stitches so far 5788
Stay safe and happy crafting


Thursday, 3 July 2014

Fox and the Grapes - Day 2

After a false start, yep I had to frog the first 3 rows. I have completed a cast on of 830 stitches, I just used a simple knitted cast on, a knit row to stabilise and the first 2 rows of the pattern.
It doesn't look much but here it is

  • Rows knitted 3
  • Stitches so far 2488
Stay safe and happy crafting


Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Fox and the Grapes - Day 1

This year I am not taking part in the fun and games of Camp Loopy on Ravelry so I have decided to embark on a challenge of my own. I am going to attempt to knit a shawl of epic proportions to snuggle up in on the chilly winter nights we have here in Scotland. I am a big girl and I want something I can wrap up in so I have gone ahead and chosen a pattern by one of my favourite designers and I have purchased over 2000 yards of fingering weight yarn to complete the project. I have decided to do the largest size and am now faced with a cast on of over 800 stitches. Mind you, although it may be slow going at the start as the rows get shorter it will speed up.

The  pattern I have chosen is Fox and the Grapes by designer Lilygo. I have knitted many of this designer's patterns and always love the end result.
I shall be using Knit Picks Palette yarn in the shade Regal and ChiaGoo circular needle size 3.5mm.
Each journey begins with the first step so, here goes.........

Stay safe and happy crafting


Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Piling Up The Almosts

You may have noticed that I have not posted any finished projects recently. I would like to take this opportunity to assure you that knitting is happening as is finishing. My problem is a tiny wee flat with 4 furries and absolutely no blocking space. I must have at least 4 shawls all knitted and waiting as well as a sweater which only needs some ends sewn in and pinned out to complete.
I promise that in a couple of weeks after my holiday away that I will get cracking and have a few new islands to share with you all.

Stay safe and happy crafting


Saturday, 31 May 2014

Changing Tastes

When I first learned to knit as a youngster I remember thinking that 4mm (US size 6) needles were oh so thin and therefore slow to knit with. Similarly DK yarn was a pain and I much preferred the speed of larger needles and chunky yarns.
How times have changed!
Now I prefer to knit with 4ply (fingering weight) yarn and I feel that 4mm needles are large and cumbersome.
Who would have thought it?

Stay safe and happy crafting


Friday, 16 May 2014

When it all goes Fumph!!

Anyone who has ever wound yarn skeins will probably have encountered what happened to me this afternoon.
I began with a lovely skein of yarn to wind
all was going along swimmingly with yarn, swift and winder
when suddenly all hell broke loose and I was faced with THIS!!!!

I almost cried!!
At least one hour later I ended up with a fully caked skein
which with the one above it I hope to turn into a Catkin shawl as a present for myself for my birthday next month.

Off to start the knitting now

Stay safe and happy crafting


Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Who's a Lucky Girl Then?

Me, that's who!
Last year I was delighted to attend the first ever Edinburgh Yarn Festival. It was a lot of fun and proved to be such a success that the organisers have started preparations for an even bigger and better event to be held in March 2015. As part of these preparations they ran a prize draw on Ravelry, Facebook and Twitter to win a shawl pattern, yarn and project bag. I was the lucky winner of the Ravelry contest and early this morning the postie brought my prize.
The yarn is so soft, a 50-50 silk and merino mix, and the shawl pattern looks like it will be such fun to knit. The pattern is Gilver by designer Jo Kelly.
So as I say I am a very lucky girl.

Stay safe and happy crafting


Thursday, 1 May 2014

Baleshare - Island 6

My latest finished project, socks for me. I whipped these up in less than a week whilst juggling work, housework and life in general. The yarn is from Ripplescrafts, one of the Assynt Storms colours from last year called Monkey's Wedding and the pattern is Hermione's Everyday Socks which is a very popular free pattern on Ravelry. I loved the simplicity of this pattern. After just a couple of repeats it is very intuitive and it made great TV knitting.
I wore these to work yesterday and my feet felt wonderful all day long. Cosy and cosseted, just how feet should feel. I have a suspicious feeling I will be using this pattern many more times.

Island link - Baleshare

Stay safe and happy crafting


Thursday, 24 April 2014

A Short Post


Coloured string and needles clicking
Clock on the wall gently ticking
Cats and dog softly snoring
This life of mine far from boring
TV on with stories telling
Dinner in the oven sweetly smelling
Hubby smiles across at me
I smile back happily
Reach out my hand to gently caress
My life my love my happiness

Stay safe and happy crafting


Wednesday, 16 April 2014

A Handy Tool for Your Knitting Pleasure

Sometimes a pattern asks you to decrease (or increase) x amount of stitches evenly across a row. Now I don't know about you, but there are times when my brain just will not compute. I have however through the wonder of the Internet stumbled across just the page for these scenarios and here it is How to Reduce Stitches Evenly Across a Row. All the maths has been done for you and this handy calculator is just what the stitch fairy ordered in times of need. It is so simple to use and to me has been a godsend. There is also a link to the increase calculator on the page. Suffice to say I have this page pinned to my bookmark bar for quick reference and I would suggest you do it too. You just never know when you might be in need.

Stay safe and happy crafting


Saturday, 12 April 2014

Missing the Ships

Recently I have found myself being drawn back in time with memories of cruises past. It is nearly 6 years 6 years since we last made the long journey to Southampton to sail from British shores off into the sunset to explore new and exciting destinations. We love cruising, it is such an elegant way to travel. Yes we had a 9 hour drive to join our ship but as soon as we pulled up outside the terminal we felt as if we were joining another world. None of your lugging suitcases around airports here. No you pull up in your car they check off your name, open the boot, gather your luggage and the next time you see it it is in your cabin. All you have to do is grab your handbag, hand over your car keys, yes they even park your car for you, and off you go to check in.
A short wait in the queue then check in and through security to the lounge to await your number being called. Once embarkation begins the excitement really hots up. You are greeted at the top of the gangplank by smiling staff and escorted to your cabin where your luggage is awaiting you. Then there is time to study the map and begin your adventure by finding the buffet for a little snack before exploring all the ship has to offer.
Around 4pm its anchors away and you feel the ship start to slowly move from the quayside. There is always someone there waving you off as you sail off into the sunset to start your holiday.
Ah, happy days!

Stay safe and happy crafting


Saturday, 5 April 2014

Arran - Island 5

Modeled by my long suffering DH

A recently released pattern on Ravelry is the Yewll Crescent by my designer friend Cheri McEwan. I was privileged to be a test knitter of this glorious crescent shawl and my lovely MIL is now the proud owner. It was knitted using the Loopy Ewe solid series fingering weight yarn in Vintage Rose and a 4mm circular needle. The pattern is very well written with clear instructions and help is always available in Cheri's Ravelry group Dartfrog Designs. I was delighted with the resulting shawl and I am sure I will be knitting another one or two in the future.

Island link - Arran

Stay safe and happy crafting


Sunday, 30 March 2014

Favorite Needles

Is it just me or does anyone else out there have a favourite needle? I have sampled many brands, I have Pony, Knit Pro, ChiaoGoo, Addi Clicks and others that I have forgotten the names of but I keep coming back to my ChiaoGoo ones. I seem to have a specific adoration to my 3.5mm circular. If only everything could be knitted with that needle I would be in knitting nirvana. Do not ask my what it is for I cannot say with any definition. I just like the way it feels in my hands. Maybe I am odd, who knows? But there you have it, I have a favourite needle.

Stay safe and happy crafting


Thursday, 27 March 2014

Conquering Crochet

As long as I have been a knitter I have admired and even envied those who can crochet beautiful patterns seemingly at the speed of light. I have read in many forums that crochet uses more yarn more quickly and that it is easy to do. However when I have on many occasions tried to switch from 2 needles to 1 hook I have ended up in an unholy mess with tangles, very sore hands and wrists and even at one point yarn wrapped around my neck. (Don't ask as I have no idea how it happened either.) Suffice to say every time I gave up pretty quick and put the hook back into the naughty corner.
Last night a strange calm came over me and the thought sprang into my mind, it was time to try the hook again.
I duly prepared my requirements and made myself comfortable with hook, leftover yarn and the obligatory You Tube video. I watched the clip several times, just to be sure, then I picked up the hook. The first two attempts were as previous, a rancid mess of yarn, hook and me but I decided to go for a third try.
EUREKA!!! I think I got it!!
 Well it seems to me to look like the beginnings of a blankie of sorts. I am hoping to add in all my leftovers and just let it grow.
I am so chuffed at mastering this simple square. I may never manage complex patterns and knitting will always be my passion but at least now I have another way of using up the leftovers rather than just the fiddly hexi-puffs. Go me!!

Stay safe and happy crafting


Sunday, 23 March 2014

I Have a Vision

Yes, I do have a vision. I can see the day where I have only 5 projects on the go at any one time. One large, one shawl, a pair of fancy socks, a pair of plain socks for travel and hexi-puffs. When that day comes I shall be so happy. I shall be in control once again. What shall I do with all the patterns I want to knit? Well I shall put them in my Ravelry queue and work my way through that only allowing myself to cast on a new project when the needles from the last one have been reclaimed. My journey to that point starts here and now. It will take me a long while but at least I have a plan. As I said on Facebook earlier today, every journey requires you to take the first step. Well here I am taking that first step.
Join me on my journey.

Stay safe and happy crafting


Thursday, 20 March 2014

Inchkeith - Island 4

As you will have noticed I normally knit shawls or socks. One reason is that I love lace and beads and who doesn't need socks. Another reason is I detest sewing up. It is one thing I have never mastered. I try, oh boy do I try, but it would seem the sewing needle is just not my forte.
However once in a while something comes along that screams KNIT ME! and when that happens needs must. This is what happened when I spotted the Galanthus free pattern on Ravelry. I fell in love and just had to knit it. I adapted it slightly as I had sport weight yarn and I knit the body to the armholes in the round. I knitted the whole tunic in just over a month but as is true to my form it has taken 2 months for me to get it sewn up. I have finally completed it this evening and I am going to so enjoy wearing it.

It is knitted in Ripples Crafts Sport Weight Yarn in the colour Crushed Blackberries which Helen very kindly dyed especially for me last year.

Island link - Inchkeith
This island I see every day from my kitchen window. I am so blessed to have such a beautiful view.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Still Plugging Away

As you know I am knitting a shawl with 1500 beads. It is very slow going but I am still plugging away. I am on to the final clue in the mystery and only have about 30 rows to go. I thought I would just share with you a wee peek at how it is coming along

Not only are there all those beads, it is also my first foray into using linen yarn. 100% linen yarn is rough going but I will persevere. It feels strange but I am sure it will be beautiful once done. Wish me luck.

Stay safe and happy crafting


Monday, 17 March 2014

Back In My Corner and Loving It

Over the last few weeks DH and I have been trying to figure out just how to put our two part corner sofa together in our tiny living room and have space for his riser recliner. We have tried a number of permutations with varying levels of success but I was always left feeling uncomfortable and had started having back pain. I was missing my beloved rocker which was relegated to the bedroom. I had used this chair since we moved here three and a half years ago and it totally suits my knitting needs with pockets in the sides for my bits and bobs and armrests which support me whilst clicking away on the needles. Then yesterday in a flash of inspiration, in the shower of all places, it came to me. We had the sofa round the wrong way. If we put the back along the window instead of the wall my rocker could come back. And so today it happened and here I am happy as Larry back in my rocker in the corner of the room and all is right with the world again.

Do you have a favourite chair? Do you feel uncomfortable having to sit elsewhere or am I just sad in having a preferred spot?

Stay safe and happy crafting


Keeping One's Eyes Peeled

Every now and again something comes along which takes your breath away. Today was one such day. I was nosing at the Ravelry radar when a post caught my eye. It said that designer Patti Waters was gifting all her patterns freely to celebrate her wedding. Sounded too good to be true but I had a wee look see and yes it was true. What a wonderful generous gift to the knitting community and what an inspiring way to celebrate such an occasion.
I would like to wish Patti and her husband many, many years of happiness and I will be thankful for this gift each time I pick up the needles to knit one of her beautiful patterns.

Stay safe and happy crafting


Sunday, 16 March 2014

Beading - The Fleegle Way

It would seem my last post has inspired some readers to try out the Fleegle Beader for themselves. Personally I love the simplicity of the tool, the ability to load up lots of beads at once and off we go. However I do still have issues with getting the angle just right. I still at times, many times, shred the yarn and have to remount and bead again. I am convinced that this is just because of my being a novice and with time I shall become as adept as was shown in the video clip. I hope that the others who have shown an interest enjoy their beaders as much as I am.

Loaded and ready for action.
As a wee side note I have also found a source of beads in the UK which offer a fabulous service and bags of 100g of beads. This will mean that I can buy the full amount required in one bag and be able to over time build up a selection of beads to match or compliment any yarn I shall be using. You can peruse their website here G J Beads . The link takes you to their seed bead choices but they have a wide range of other beads too.

Stay safe and  happy crafting


Friday, 7 March 2014

Beads, Beads and More Beads

I have just cast on my fourth MKAL shawl for this month. I may be mad but I just love the excitement of a new clue appearing in my inbox. I was explaining to my DH that by having these short clues to work on each week I never get bored with one pattern. The shawls I am working on are all completely different but one thing they do have in common is beads. All four have added bling. This I am delighted with as I cannot wear jewellery so wearing a beaded shawl allows me to express my own style.
Now the thing with beads is how to get them onto the knitting. I had used my tiny trusty crochet hook until last Saturday evening when it went walkabout. I have absolutely no idea where it has gone. I had a spare which I discovered must be a bit bigger as the beads just would not fit over the tip. Eek!!! Out came the superfloss which whilst, for me, is fine in an emergency it is way too fiddly for applying the 1500 beads which one pattern calls for. So what to do? Off to You Tube I went to see if there was a solution for me and lo' and behold there I find a tool called a Fleegle Beader (You Tube link). The clip seemed to say it would be the answer to my dilemma. Now to find it in the UK, that was me next problem. Trusty Google stepped up to the mark and there it was available from a shop in Surrey, Duly ordered I continued with the floss until my beader arrived on Tuesday. What a revelation!! It has changed my life, no longer the slow plod with 4 beads on the hook and then stop and reload, now I have at least 30 beads loaded up at any one time and it is a breeze. All in all I can safely say it was money very well spent.

Stay safe and happy crafting


Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Tullibody Inch - Island 3

I followed my arrow and it resulted in my first completed shawl this year. The pattern was the first ever MKAL by Ysolda Teague who is a local designer based in Edinburgh and who has a loyal following in the knitting community. I enjoyed knitting this immensely. There was a slightly different format to this mystery as not only did we get one clue each week, we had to choose between 2. The mystery lasted 5 weeks so in total there were 32 permutations. I chose to knit clues B,B,B,B,A which resulted in a slightly asymmetrical shawl. I used some Shetland 4 ply which I had in stash in a very deep maroon colour, (although is shows up brown in the photo).

Island link Tullibody Inch

Stay safe and happy crafting


Sunday, 2 March 2014

Fidra - Island 2

These socks are simple Vanilla socks with a 1x1 rib cuff. They were my first ever attempt at knitting 2 at a time, I can totally see how that appeals but for me I think I much prefer just sticking to doing 1 at a time. They were knitted in Ripplescrafts reliable sock base in the Christmas 2012 colour. Well fitting and comfy everyday socks.

Island link Fidra

I am also getting on with my many MKAL's I currently have 4 on the needles. One of them has 1500 beads in the pattern. I bought some gorgeous Matsuno beads in size 8 to use for this shawl and to my horror discovered that the do not fit on my tiny crochet hook. I resorted to using Super Floss but am finding it way too fiddly for my liking. A little research done and I have ordered a 0.5mm hook to try and my wonderful DH who must listen to my incessant havering about knitting tools has ordered me a Fleegle beader. What a man!! Hopefully both these tools will arrive soon and I can crack on with the mammoth task. Meanwhile I will continue on with some other projects.

Stay safe and happy crafting


Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Eyebroughy - Island 1

These socks were knitted for my darling DH. The yarn is from Ripplescrafts Orkney collection in the colour Burray Sunset. I used the Fish Lips Kiss Heel but other wise just made it up as I went along. These were knitted toe up on a 2.5mm circular needle using magic loop. Hubby loves them and I am so pleased to have a man who will wear coloured socks.

Island link Eyebroughy

Stay safe and happy crafting


Knitting, A Trip Round Scotland's Islands

I keep track of all my knitting projects in the wonderful tool called Ravelry . The projects section ask you to name your work which can sometimes task the brain. Some people come up with all sorts of fantastic names for their projects whilst others just use the pattern name.
Recently I have been giving some thought to how I should name my projects, in the past I have used the stories of Sherlock Holmes, and looking out my kitchen window I stumbled on the perfect answer.
On a clear day I can see right across the majestic Firth of Forth to the shores of the Kingdom of Fife. However clearly in my sights is the Island of Inchkeith. Hmm, there are roughly 700 islands in the waters off the coast of Scotland. BINGO!! There was my answer staring my straight in the eyes. I will name each of my projects after a Scottish Island.
As an added bonus t anyone who happens to take the time to read my musings I will add the link, where available, to what Wikipedia has to say about the island. At last I have my project names all sorted.
I may from time to time waiver off on a tangent if another name is more appropriate but my intention is to stick for the most part with my plan.
I have already used two of the island names on completed projects so look out for those appearing soon.

Stay safe and happy crafting


Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Reclaiming the Needles

WIP's I have way too many. I have tried to follow others in WIP down groups and have let myself become overwhelmed by the enormity of the task which has led to ultimate failure. I sorely needed to find another way. I hope that in my own way I have now found it, reclaiming the needles! Instead of putting myself under too much pressure that I must finish the project I have begun to tell myself I need to have some needles spare and at the ready to indulge my passion for MKAL's. I spent the month of January getting stuck in. I managed to reclaim 3 sets in that time. This made me feel so happy. I have yet to block the said projects but at least I had the needles ready to start 2 mysteries in the last week.
This has in turn led to much more overall enjoyment of my knitting. I work on the clues as they come out and in between times I work on the WIP's, whichever takes my fancy at any given time.
I have confidence in myself that for me, reclaiming the needles, is the way to go.

Pictures of completed projects will follow soon.

Stay safe and happy crafting
