Tuesday, 15 January 2013

2013 - Week 2

My Disappearing Youth

It saddens me each week when I watch the TV news and hear of yet another memory of my younger days will be disappearing from our town's and cities high streets. This morning it is the demise of HMV which is being discussed on all the news channels. Last week it was Jessop's, the camera retailers. What has caused this? I do not know, but I do know that I for one do not listen to as much music as I used to, nor do I need to buy camera film any more. Is it just the natural way of things, progression, that is making these changes happen? Or is it that they were so stuck in the past that they could not survive? I will never truly knnow the answers to those questions but it does give me food for thought as I get older. Am I harking back with rose tinted glasses or have I moved on and matured in a positive way? 
I know I do things differently now and I try my hardest to keep up with new technology which will affect my life but I have never had an MP3 player nor downloaded music from the internet as I prefer to have a physical connection to my purchase. I do admit that I have bought at out of town centres and on-line and do so often so maybe I am one tiny cog in the downfall of our High Streets. I do this for the convenience of being able to park easily and that I can go when it is quieter or in the case of on-line at a time which suits me.

Food Glorious Food

This year so far I have been being a wee bit adventurous in the kitchen. This has been helped greatly by us starting to get a regular organic fruit and veg box delivery from a local company. We get our delivery fortnightly and there is great excitement from us both when the box is due. There are basics in the box each time such as potatoes, onions, carrots, apples, bananas etc. But there are always a few surprises too. So I have been experimenting with some of the veg by (yes it is the easy way) making soups. So far this past week I have made butternut squash and sweet potato, and curried parsnip. Both totally new to us and both absolutely delicious, oh and 2nd servings are in the freezer for next week.

Knitting Progress Report

Another week has passed and I have kept pretty much to my plan (go me!!!)
This week I have 11 Hexi-puffs

Visible to me progress on the Never-ending Sweater of Doom

First sock completed of my Winter Sauce socks
Do you like my cute project box? I bought some of these to make my present wrapping easier and found a great way to re-use this one that DH used for a gift for me.

On to the foot of W is for Winterscape sock 1

And a bit of the leg done of K is for Kalajoki

My Talamh cardigan

Finally I have also just cast on another project too with some of my oldest stashed yarn. This will be a long term undertaking but hopefully it will be a success. 

So time for me to get back to my knitting and start the Hexi-puff for today. I will leave you with our wee cracker having a nap. 

Stay safe and happy crafting


Mysti likes a luxury nap

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