Hello friends, since learning to knit socks around 10 years ago they have been a constant project on my needles and never more so than this month. They have been all I want to knit and I would seem to have found my perfect pattern. This simple almost vanilla top-down sock has been making my heart sing all month long and I want to cast on all the yarns and enjoy my own personal Socktober and beyond.
The Sunday Sock
The ramblings of an agoraphobic knitter and avid book reader.
Sunday, 30 October 2022
October 2022
Sunday, 25 September 2022
I am beginning this blog with an announcement, The Sunday Sock is going monthly. I was MIA last week as I simply had no content to write about so I have taken a leaf from one of my favourite podcasts, Not Quite Enough Yarn, and decided to reduce it to a monthly blog. Hopefully, this will ensure I have some knitting to share and maybe even some finished objects. I will endeavour to publish on the last Sunday of each month; for this year, I already have my plans in my diary. So, with that out of the way, let's get on to the knitting.
Finished Objects
Works in Progress
Future Plans
Sunday, 11 September 2022
A Week of S's, Sadness, Socks, Sweater and a Shawl
In amongst the sadness of this past week, my knitting has brought me great solace and comfort. I was, to be honest, quite astounded at the emotions which played through for a woman whom I have never met, nor was ever likely to. Whilst watching the news coverage the peaceful rhythm of the stitches moving along the needles kept me grounded and connected to the life I have around me.
So what have I been working on?
Needing something easy I cast on a toe-up vanilla sock.
I am using the free Milkshake pattern by my friend, Fiona D Tulloch, the yarn is by James Makes Yarn in the Popping Candy colour.
I have two more socks on the needles, the first is the Heel Toe Do Si Do which has seen a little work
More details about this sock can be found in a previous post or on my Ravelry project page.
The second is my Sunday Sock, a pattern I made up myself inspired by the sweater I am knitting for Bill.
The yarn here is Cascade Heritage Paints in the colour 110 Sea Morn.
As mentioned earlier, the sweater has seen some steady progress with separation for the sleeves and the 19" slog of the body now on the go. I am sticking to 4 or 5 rounds a day so as not to bore myself and I am delighted to see the progress keeper getting further away each day until it gets moved on a Sunday after I have shared it with you.
Finally this week the project which has seen the most work is my Shawlography. I have finished both wings of section 9 and am at last making progress with section 10, the brioche.
I say at last, as this is my second go-round of the brioche as I cocked up spectacularly with my first attempt. It really was my own fault as I did not read the instructions properly. I should have known something was amiss as previously I did not have too much trouble with this technique. Yesterday afternoon was spent frogging this section and re-knitting it correctly.
That's it for this week, time to pick up the needles.
Happy crafting.
Sunday, 4 September 2022
WIP Bingo
When it comes to my knitting I am totally disorganised and have way too many works in progress. I am very easily seduced by the new shiny yarn and/or pattern. This has led me to re-evaluate my knitting practices and with the upcoming Westknits MKAL I know I want to free up a project bag, needles and notions so I can have everything together. To that end, I have joined some fun threads in the Stash Knit Down group on Ravelry and this led me to discover how to make a bingo card of my WIPs to try to concentrate on just a few this month.
Some of these, most of the socks, are not yet cast on and I don't have a current photo of my Bits and Bobs blanket but here are photos taken this morning of where I am with the others.Shawlography
The yarn is all Ripples Crafts Burras a gorgeous single-ply merino yarn dyed in the northwest highlands of Scotland. The colours are Peat, Moonshine, A Slice of Lime, Crushed Blaeberries and A Cerise that Demands Attention.
As I mentioned this is my second time with this pattern, the first one I gave to my Mum for Christmas.
Dustland Sweater
Dust of Snow
Heel Toe Do Si Do
Sunday, 28 August 2022
How Is It The End of August?
I am baffled and bamboozled to discover that we will be in September next week. This year has simply flown by, and I have achieved so little. My knitting got off to a languid start this year as I only wanted to work on scrappy blankets which I then did not like and sent off to the frog pond. It was March before I knitted a sock and even then my mojo was still lacking. Things picked up in April and have been motoring along since but I still feel I am way behind where I ought to be, especially with my charity knitting.
This week I have, however, finished a pair of socks.
I knitted these using a motif from the Dustland Sweater and just made them up as I went along. The yarn is Ripples Crafts Reliable Sock in the Learning to Swim V2 colour which was a fundraiser for the RNLI overseas division, so sadly is no longer available. I used a 2.5mm ChaioGoo fixed circular for magic loop.
As soon as these were cast off I started a new pair.
These are for a fellow East Lothian Carers Panel member who has expressed a desire to learn how to knit socks. I am more than willing to teach her but suggested she try a pair first before she falls down the rabbit hole that is sock knitting and spends money. These are the Heel-Toe-Do-Si-Do pattern by Crazy Sock Lady Designs but knitted toe-up. The yarn is Stylecraft Head Over Heels Colours of the World Shade 1161 Sa Pa and again it is my faithful ChaioGoo 2.5mm fixed circular.
The re-knit of the Dustland Sweater got some love this week and I am powering through the yoke.
I am really liking how it is looking this time and hope to get to splitting for the sleeves in the coming week. That's it for actuall knitting this week, however there is some dream knitting to plan.
It's that time of year again!!
I have taken part in the last two years and have loved evey minute, now I cannot afford to buy a kit from Stephen and Penelope but I will stash dive and possibly even purchase a yarn or two to make my own unique kit.
I think that's all for this week, I leave you with a phrase which has been banging around my head since I saw it, and cannot help but think the world would be a better place if we all could make it happen.
Sunday, 21 August 2022
When It All Goes Horribly Wrong
Sometimes, no matter how well prepared you are, things go awry. This happened this past week when the jumper, (yes I know, I am knitting an Aran weight jumper in the hottest summer on record) I was lovingly knitting for his nibs turned out way too big. Now I had done my homework and knitted a swatch and all was well with that and I had happily ploughed on with the pattern until the body was finished. Bill duly tried it on and OMG it was enormous. I don't know what went wrong but something very obviously did. There was nothing else to do but frog it. He did however love the pattern so it was agreed that I would start over, and I have. I am knitting a smaller size Med instead of Large and using 1 size down needles.
So here we have the Dustland Sweater, pattern by Stephen West, take 2 being knitted in Stylecraft Life Aran in the Natural Nepp colour on ChiaoGoo circular needles size 3.5mm and 4mm.
It looks so much better now, and we are both happier with that.
I had to buy a new needle to be able to restart the jumper so while I was sulking and waiting for it to arrive I cast on a pattern I had in my library for a while, the Dust of Snow Wrap by Curious Handmade. I really had no business casting on something new as I have WIPs galore but as I said I was in the huff with the jumper.
This beautiful asymmetrical rectangular wrap was designed as an Advent Calander project and so I am using the 4 boxes of beautiful mini-skeins Bill gave me for my birthday, from Ruffles Crochet Crafts on Etsy, and holding it with Drops KidSilk in Moonshine from Purple Sheep Yarns, using a ChiaoGoo 4.5mm fixed circular. It is going very slowly with some subtle colour changes so far but I am delighted with it.
No socks this time round but there will definitely be some soon.
Happy Crafting
Sunday, 14 March 2021
Relief, a Surprise and a Mystery
Hello friends, I am delighted to report that with the removal of the offending upper tooth my mouth is now pain-free. What a relief! I have also had my first Covid vaccine and other than a little swelling and tenderness all went well.
My surprise came in the form of a little windfall. Last month I had an e-mail from the local carers centre inviting applications for a carer's break grant. This money was available to help give a boost to the health and wellbeing of unpaid carers. Although I have been registered with them for many years due to being the sole carer of my disabled husband I have never asked for any help and was of the belief that I would be turned down should I apply. I did, however, decide I had nothing to lose so gave it a go. I asked for much less than half of what may have been available to me and imagine my surprise and delight on Wednesday morning when I opened the e-mail to find my application had been successful. I had asked for and am spending the money on an instant sock yarn stash from the wonderful Ripples Crafts.
And finally, the mystery. One of my favourite designers is Ambah O'Brien. Imagine my delight when she announced an MKAL starting on April 2nd. The Caladenia Shawl will be released in 5 weekly clues and people from around the world will be knitting it together.
The aforementioned Ripples Crafts has put together a few colour sets for the project, which can be found under new products, although I think there might just be one or two left. I was lucky enough to snag this gorgeous BFL combo.
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From left, Cladonia, The First Summer Rose, Crushed Blaeberries and The Weathered Fairy. |
If you want to join in the MKAL, there is still time to get the pattern for a reduced price until Apr 1st and you will also receive a bonus pattern of the Caladenia Cowl free.
That's all for this week, stay safe and enjoy your crafting