With my work season fast approaching it brings the knowledge that my knitting time shall be severely curtailed. With this in mind I got myself into a fair guddle over the last couple of weeks. I was trying so hard to get to so many things that my head went into a spin and it was all I could do to knit a few stitches here and there. In the end I decided to just pick up one item and get on with it.
The project I chose was one which had been languishing in hibernation for almost a year.
Unblocked Wild Violet Flowers |
I dug out the beads, picked it up and got stuck in. It only took me a few days to get the knitting finished and it is now in the blocking queue.
The pattern is the beautiful
Wild Flowers by Kitman Figueroa, and is the same one as I knitted for my best friend's wedding shawl last year. The yarn and beads were ones that I had bought as a kit for another project but the pattern did not speak to me so I had put them aside until something better came along.
The Sunday socks fell behind a little during my lost time but you will be glad to know that I am caught up again and ready to start pair 6 today.
Here is pair 4
I knitted these toe up as a plain stockinette foot with a 2x2 rib cuff.
The yarn is an absolute delight to work with. It is
Suilven by Ripples Crafts and is a mix of Merino, Yak and Silk. It beautifully soft to the touch and it reminded me of a very fine cord when knitting with it.
Pair 5
Once again I chose one of my favourite patterns for this pair. I did toy with two other patterns but frogged both and went back to
Socks on a Plane a free pattern by Laura Linneman. This is a very popular pattern in the Ravelry community with over 2000 pairs knitted and it is also the pattern I shall turn to today when I cast on pair 6. The yarn this time is
Drops Fabel a great go to sock yarn at a fantastic price.
Time for me to take my leave and get the Sunday Sock on the needles.