Friday, 5 April 2013

Whispering Yarn

Does your stash talk to you? Mine does! I will buy yarn with no purpose, just because it is pretty and it whispers buy me please. Then it comes home and sits in a box with other pretty yarns for ages. Sometimes it knows right away what it wants to be and that is fine, but mostly it will sit for a while just  waiting it out until the right pattern comes along.

This week is a perfect example of how that has happened. I have been working on a fantastic mystery shawl designed by my lovely friend Cheri. She has her own group on Ravelry called Dartfrog Designs . In the group chat she happened to mention that she would have a test knit available for anyone who would be suffering withdrawal symptoms when the mystery came to a close. Well the magic word she used was Peacocks. I love peacocks, the wonderful shining colours of their plumage just screams out to me. I was lucky to be chosen to knit the pattern so I went to look in my box to see what was available and that was when the whispering yarn began to scream. I swear there was a fight amongst some of the skeins. I knew already which beads I would be using, but the yarn was proving more difficult to pick. There was some lovely surf coloured merino which has lived in the box for 2 years

Then there was a recent yarn club installment called Assynt Peacocks

Or would it be this one, Assynt Jewels 

In the end the last one must have shouted the loudest and it won out. The skein was duly wound and I cast on. I only have a few rows done but so far I am loving how the yarn is reminding me of peacocks with every stitch.
See what you think for yourself

If you look closely you can just make out the beads. I love how this pattern is going so far and look forward to sharing my progress.

Stay safe and happy crafting
