Friday, 29 April 2011

Mixed Emotions

The last 48 hours or so have led me to believe that if something is going to happen you can bet I will be the unlucky one on the receiving end. I went to work as normal yesterday, parked the car and all was fine. Our staff car park was much busier than usual as there were some meetings taking place. Instead of the usual 6-8 cars or so there must have been about 20 odd. Okay you may be thinking, but why is this so special? Well here comes the bad bit. Also there yesterday were the contracted grass cutters. They come a few times a year, so not really something to worry about you would think. Not so yesterday! At lunch time my lovely boss comes into the staff room looking solemn, he gently tells me not to get stressed. OMG what have I done wrong? Well nothing it turns out, he then hands me two small but instantly recognisable pieces of red plastic.........the passenger side door handle from our car!!!!!! As it transpires the grass cutting machine had thrown up a large stone which flew through the air at some speed and caught the side of our car! As I say just my luck, with all the other cars parked closely together.
The poor damaged car door.
On a brighter note. Today saw a wee family outing to Gullane beach for a meet up with an old school friend. We have been pals since the early 1980's, but see each other very rarely, in fact blue moons probably happen more often. We have vowed not to leave it so long next time. It was quite cold and windy down at the beach, but we had a quick catch up and Skye took the opportunity to have a good run around.
Blowy Gullane beach

Monday, 25 April 2011

Is it a Scarf?

As modelled by the ever still Funchal!
Is it a scarf? Is it a cowl? Is it a hood? Well no actually it would appear to be all three!
I find lots of lovely patterns on Ravelry I cast on then I nearly always start to fiddle. I seem at times to be totally incapable of following a pattern to the letter. I am forever happily knitting along then into my brain pops, now I wonder how that stitch would look? So I try a few rows. I may like it and continue or will hate it and try something else. Ah well at least you can almost always guarantee my finished object will be unique. And since I am unique that's fine by me.
Unique, just like me!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Can I go Cold Sheep?

Aaaaarrrrggggghhh. So even the thought of it gives me a cold sweat. I have been reading a few posts on Ravelry from brave people who have been Cold Sheeping!! That is to say they refuse to buy more yarn until they have made a huge dent in the stash they already have. Think Cold Turkey for buying that wonderful smooshy, new brand, perfect coloured yarn your LYS has just got in. You know the feeling, you just pop in to say hi, you were just passing and WHAM! there it is, flirting with you, softly calling your name, being all coy and at the same time yelling ME, BUY ME!! So I have come to a sad conclusion, I could never go Cold Sheep. It's just not for me. If I have the pennies I hear it calling and I am hopelessly smitten. Even if I don't have the pennies on me there is a website which uses paypal. I am sooo weak. I am Mary and I am a yarnaholic, there I've said it, is this the first step to a cure? Who knows, maybe I don't want to be cured. Only time will tell.
I only popped in to say hi!!!

Monday, 11 April 2011

Not such a good start

Not having a good start to the week. DH had a few falls over the weekend which resulted in a cut leg and some degree of fear of being left alone. We are seeing the GP on Wed and this will be reported to her. There has still been no appointment forthcoming from the Orthopedic department and this is proving frustrating.
Work was fun at the weekend, so sunny and warm. People were happy to be out and about after the winter had cast such a shadow with so much snow. Mind you summer weather in April in Scotland is definately not the norm. It is to get colder this week, much nearer to what we expect at this time of year. I'm glad to have been able to enjoy the sunshine.
Not so much knitting done this past week. Working sure eats into knitting time. Will have to do some catch up on my days off.
I have now finished reading The Swiss Family Robinson. What a wonderful story. I did not read this book as a child so it was all new to me. I would highly recommend it as an easy read to take you away from the stresses of 21st century living to a much more simpler time. Great escapisim.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

We Knitted & Knattered

On Monday we held our first Knit & Knatter group in Dalkeith, Vicky and I wondered if anyone would turn up. Would it be just the two of us and would we be too feared to take out our knitting? Well what a wonderful surprise we had. In total there were 16 of us. 15 ladies from and 1 man from all age ranges, we were so chuffed. As the picture shows it would seem all had a good time, and we have booked with the venue again for a repeat performance. If you want to join us we will meet on the 1st Monday of each month in The Buccleuch, High Street, Dalkeith from 7-9pm.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Feeling my age!

Wow, back to work yesterday. How quickly the 5 month winter shutdown has passed. Boy am I out of shape. One day and I found muscles I forgot I had, and that was just me working in the shop. Luckily for me I find my rota has me off for this weekend. How lucky am I? Mind you from Monday I have to do 4 days straight, how will I cope? Will my feet and legs hold out? Only time will tell.

Also on Monday I will be going to the first meeting of Knit & Knatter in Dalkeith. My friend and I have decided to start up a knitting/craft group which will meet on the 1st Monday evening of each month. We have no idea how many people might turn up, but are quite excited. Even if we are the only ones we will get some coffee & cake and get our needles out. Will people point & laugh at women with pointy sticks, who cares, we will be having fun.
My knitting is still moving along. New project started this week. My niece has asked me to knit her a scarf. Not any scarf mind, one like the Gryffindor House scarf from The Prisoner of Azkaban. This resulted in a trip to my friends wool shop to purchase wool.
For Scarf
Also this week whilst perusing Ravelry I happened upon a fantastic yarn storage idea, I showed it to DH, he looked horrified and gave a swift NO. I wonder why?
Hubby says no :(