Wow, back to work yesterday. How quickly the 5 month winter shutdown has passed. Boy am I out of shape. One day and I found muscles I forgot I had, and that was just me working in the shop. Luckily for me I find my rota has me off for this weekend. How lucky am I? Mind you from Monday I have to do 4 days straight, how will I cope? Will my feet and legs hold out? Only time will tell.
Also on Monday I will be going to the first meeting of Knit & Knatter in Dalkeith. My friend and I have decided to start up a knitting/craft group which will meet on the 1st Monday evening of each month. We have no idea how many people might turn up, but are quite excited. Even if we are the only ones we will get some coffee & cake and get our needles out. Will people point & laugh at women with pointy sticks, who cares, we will be having fun.
My knitting is still moving along. New project started this week. My niece has asked me to knit her a scarf. Not any scarf mind, one like the Gryffindor House scarf from The Prisoner of Azkaban. This resulted in a trip to my friends wool shop to purchase wool.
For Scarf |
Also this week whilst perusing Ravelry I happened upon a fantastic yarn storage idea, I showed it to DH, he looked horrified and gave a swift NO. I wonder why?
Hubby says no :( |