Tuesday, 29 March 2011

I'm learning to do what?

Oh boy what a fun day. It was training day at work, for our new season beginning on Friday. We began with some experiments for a supersonic science show, which tells the basics of how iconic aircraft Concorde was able to fly. It was cold, but fun was had.
Modern Art caused by Sonic Boom
After lunch the lovely Kev, from The Golden Lions taught us how to pack a parachute, through much laughter we got there in the end, but thank goodness this was just an exercise as I would not wish anyone to take a jump with our efforts. After the hard part, we took a trip back to childhood playing games with parachutes.
We then reverted to the experiments again, ending with all of us creating a sonic boom. This involved causing a metal canister to implode. A great way to finish a show, but nerve-wracking when faced with doing it for the first time.
I'm sure we will all improve these skills when we put them into practice on a daily basis, but I for one will be a bag of nerves when facing a live audience for the first time.

On the knitting front, I have "travelled" more than 2 miles into my challenge. Last night I completed my Surprise Bag. The name came from the fact that I just cast on and followed my instincts with sizing and stitches. It has turned out even better than I hoped. I took it to work today and it was plenty big enough for my lunch box, purse, book etc.
Surprise Bag

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Saturday Comes Around

Skye looking not so poorly
What a quick week. Not much done really, poorly hubby & dog saw to that. Have made some progress on my marathon knitting challenge, now approaching the 2 mile mark. Been adding to my project queue on Ravelry http://www.ravelry.com/ too. Some of the patterns are amazing. Don't know if i'll ever get roound to knitting them all, but will certainly give some a bash.
We watched the new Midsomer Murders this week too. The first one with the new DI Barnaby. It was different, but somehow the same and I look forward to seeing how the character develops. It must be my favourite TV programme and I have watched them all, some a few times over.
On a happy note I am working tomorrow. It is the last day of our winter hours and  also a sad day in some respects as we are hosting the last ever display of the Golden Lions parachute team. For more information see http://www.nms.ac.uk/our_museums/museum_of_flight/whats_on/golden_lions_jump.aspx I do hope the weather plays along and we have a good turnout.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

19 Mile Knitting Challenge

I have a 19 mile round trip to work, so I have challenged myself to knit at least 19 miles of yarn by the end of the year. My progress can be followed here on my knit meter and I will post pics of at various stages of my projects. Can I do this? Well I can but try. It sounds quite easy, but I go back to full time work next Friday (1st April) for 7 months which will radically reduce my knitting time.
Oh well here goes!!

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Grey Sunday

It doesn't look too promising out there this morning. Grey & overcast, a day for knitting me-thinks. I have 5 projects on the go just now.
  1.  A huge double thickness blanket of left over balls of wool 504 stitches each round, but so easy to do just knit stitch and can watch TV or read a book on my laptop whilst doing it.
  2.  My 2nd pinwheel jacket of the year, another easy knit again on circular needles, this time the yarn is a boucle type which was a gift from a friend.
  3. A bag to felt. I have recently discovered the joys of felting and this will be my third bag this year.
  4. My first ever top down all in one piece cardigan. American patterns are relatively new to me and I am enjoying this immensely.
  5. A shawl for me. I saw this wild marbled wool when at m friend's wool shop last week and just had to buy. It reminds me of a roaring fire so a warm shawl seems appropriate.

So some knitting seems like a good idea today.

I have also been thinking back on the last few days. I did something daft which still has me grinning whenever I think about it. My friend has a wool shop  nearby and I pop in every couple of weeks or so. http://www.thewoolshop.co.uk/ I was there on Wednesday. Just a day earlier she had been watching the local council workers (13 of them) repairing a kerbstone just outside. Well we thought this was overkill to say the least, and I joked that they must have known I was coming the next day. So I arrive at the shop and Vicky shoves me out the door whilst handing me a length of red ribbon and pair of scissors and waving a camera in my face, saying she needs pics of me opening my kerbstone. Well I could hardly keep a straight face.

One final thought for now, if you are looking for a tasty treat for your dinner, pop into you local Lidl if you have one, and head for the chiller cabinet. DH and I had our first taste of Thai Green Curry with Jasmine Rice from said store yesterday and were still complimenting it a few hours later. Guess what is top of our shopping list this week?

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Wow I have a blog!

Well hello, welcome to my blog. A place for me to tell what I've been up to. I may not post frequently, it may not be eloquent, but hopefully for me it will be fun.
So why the title? Well, I've always been a timid soul, you know the type, blends into the background, speaks when spoken to, does what she is told to do, feels guilty and cannot say no when asked for help! That was me. Always taking on too much for others and forgetting that I needed time for me too. So one day it all becomes just too much and something happens that changes things, forever, I hope.
 And now the time comes to be who I am, do things I want to do, and speak up for myself. Hence the title of this blog, I now sometimes do things that surprise even me! Yes I still get scared, and hopefully I always will, as that will keep me on my toes.
But for now I intend to enjoy the life I have and share my highs and lows on this blog!